amp;quot;Dinosaur Warsamp;quot;
Premieres Monday, January 17, 20119:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. ET on PBSIn the summer of 1868, paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh boarded a Union Pacific train for a sight-seeing excursion through the heart of the newly-opened American West. While most passengers simply saw magnificent landscapes, Marsh soon realized he was traveling through the greatest dinosaur burial ground of all time. Ruthless …
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Anne Hathaway still in shock about hosting Oscars
Brianna Gunter Even Anne Hathaway is still getting used to the idea that she’s hosting the Oscars in 2011. “My gosh, it’s the Oscars! I’m still a little speechless about it, to be honest,” Hathaway told “Extra” at the Gotham Independent Film Awards on Monday night. Hathaway will be hosting the 82nd Annual Academy Awards alongside James Franco. Normally the televised award ceremony is hosted by a …