Question by a: apple color vs. magic bullet film looks?
I’m new but starting to take filmmaking serious, getting final cut pro, i thought it has its own color correction for editing, but i’ve heard about apple color and magic bullet software for color correcting. Are these part of Final cut pro or are these separate software programs? which is the best for making digital films look professional film quality? any help is appreciated, thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Austin
Apple Color does come with Final Cut Studio Pro. As far as Apple Color vs. Magic Bullet Looks, they are both pretty powerful. You can do a lot more in Color but some results you want may be easier achieved in Magic Bullet Looks. Red Giant (the company that makes Magic Bullet) offers a free trial of all of their programs on the internet. I would recommend trying it out before you made your decision, because it is a little pricy and I think Color would definitely fit all of your Color Correction needs as a low budget amateur filmmaker.
There is a link to the free trial download of Magic Bullet Looks. Good luck to you man!
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