Question by lilaznguy032188: Can you help me with American History 1800 – 1920 30 questions?
The answer with the dash next to it is my answer please confirm whether it’s right (I m sure there is at least 19 of them right)
The traditional belief system of the Sioux stressed
1. compassion for the weak and suffering.
2. endless cycles of reincarnation.
3. faith in one supreme being.
4. the mysterious powers of nature –
Late nineteenth-century farms on the Great Plains were much larger than eastern farms because
1. European immigrant farmers were accustomed to large farms.
2. dry-farming techniques required about 300 acres to support a family farm.
3. the land was so fertile.
4. homesteaders were usually able to purchase more than the minimum allotment of land.-
The economic “capital” of the Great Plains was
1. Omaha.
2. Denver.
3. Chicago.
4. Kansas City.-
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the economy of the late-nineteenth-century South?
1. Southern enterprises usually processed manufactured goods through all stages of production.
2. Most of the capital for industrial development came from Europe, because northerners were reluctant to invest there.
3. Cheap labor was its greatest asset, but simultaneously prevented it from becoming a more advanced, industrial economy. –
4. Because all southern state governments were controlled by the same political party (the Democratic Party), various industries were prevented from
Which of the following occupational groups grew most rapidly in the United States between 1870 and 1910?
1. Farmers
2. Independent professionals and businessmen
3. Salaried employees
4. Wageworkers –
Typically, those European peasants who emigrated to the United States at the end of the nineteenth century
1. moved to the South.
2. were determined to establish roots in America.
3. hoped to return to their native country and buy land after they had earned enough money in the United States.
4. moved as families.-
The federal government responded to the problem of discrimination against the Chinese in nineteenth-century California by
1. establishing a quota limiting Chinese immigration to 10,000 per year.
2. paying white workers higher wages to do agricultural work.
3. passing a civil rights law.
4. barring Chinese immigration to the United States.-
When the workers at the Pullman Company protested a cut in wages,
1. the General Managers’ Association refused to run Pullman cars.
2. they were opposed by the governor of Illinois.
3. the American Railway Union directed their strategy.
4. they appealed to President Cleveland.-
Most of the immigrants who arrived in American cities between 1900 and 1910 were
1. western European Jews and Catholics.
2. southern and eastern European Jews and Catholics.
3. northern European Protestants.
4. southern and eastern European Protestants.-
Around 1900, if an ordinary American city dweller, whether immigrant or native-born, needed a favor done by a person with authority, he or she was most likely to turn to
1. a newspaper columnist.
2. a member of Congress.
3. an ombudsman.-
4. an alderman or ward boss.
as well-traveled Americans compared large American cities with similar cities in Europe, they felt that American cities
1. were largely corrupt and impoverished.
2. lacked the culture and sense of grandeur of their European counterparts.
3. were vastly superior to European cities.-
4. needed more streetcars.
Most members of the newly rising American middle class around 1900
1. remained near the ethnic neighborhoods where they had grown up.
2. preferred to live in the suburbs because of the privacy it afforded them.-
3. preferred to live in luxurious high-rise apartments in the city.
4. imitated the rich by constructing scaled-down villas in the country.
Contemporaries associated the Haymarket Square riot most directly with the allegedly subversive activities of
1. the Knights of Labor.
2. anarchists.-
3. the Socialist Party.
4. Samuel Gompers.
Buffalo herds almost disappeared from the American West during the 1870s for all of the reasons below except
1. the complete indifference of the American public.-
2. removing the buffalo made room for raising cows.
3. eastern tanneries learned how to cure buffalo hides, thereby creating a huge market for buffalo leather goods.
4. exterminating the buffalo would starve the Indians into submission.
The most distinctive feature of American industry in the last third of the nineteenth century was
1. its emphasis on consumer goods.
2. the use of wrought iron rather than steel.
3. the expansion of the mining industry.-
4. its emphasis on the manufacture of capital goods.
The restructuring of factory administration advocated by Frederick W. Taylor
1. was adopted by many companies.
2. was opposed by workers.-
3. recognized that workers were interested in more than money.
4. had the support of unions.
White reformers who created the Indian Rights A
I assumed you did not read correctly, I didnt ask you to do it, I asked for help for confirmation for god’s sake.
Best answer:
Do your own homework.
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