Dandy Kids Documentary Wins at Bayou City (houston) Inspirational Film Festival
Houston TX- “Dandy Kids” opened the Bayou City Inspirational Film Festival over the weekend to many tears and emotions from audience members. “Dandy Kids” is about children with a rare brain malformation called “Dandy Walker Syndrome said Darla Rae, the films Executive Producer, and Director. Rae was on hand for the screening in Houston and is still amazed at how people receive the cinema verte style documentary, which she made to help raise awareness. It’s always interesting when people see it, and are overcome with emotions, Then you know your touching hearts. One can only hope that you touch them enough so that they tell others. We want everyone to know about this problem. These parents receive this diagnosis and they are made to think it’s a death sentence, mainly since the medical community is at a loss for words” said Rae. Rae’s great