Outsider Hollywood: Social Activism and Cinematic Art. Established by a bequest from the late Dorothy Hirshon, a trustee of The New School for 61 years, this annual event promotes excellence and education in the filmmaking arts. The theme of the eighth Hirshon Film Festival is working outside the Hollywood system while creating socially conscious, cinematic film. This years director-in-residence is producer, director, and writer Haile Gerima. He introduces a retrospective of his work. A panel discussion with Gerima, author and journalist Jill Nelson, cultural critic and Eugene Lang College faculty Margo Jefferson; moderated by Media Studies and Film assistant professor Michelle Materre follows the screening. The evening concludes with a reception. Called one of the independent cinemas chief chroniclers of the African-American and African Diaspora[n] experience[s], by Variety, Haile Gerima is a distinguished independent filmmaker who has served as a professor of Film at Howard University in Washington, DC, since 1975. Haile is perhaps best known as the writer, producer, and director of the acclaimed 1993 film Sankofa, which the New York Times called poetic and precisely detailed. The film, a historically inspired dramatic tale of African resistance to slavery, has won international acclaim including first prize at the African Film Festival in Milan, Italy; Best Cinematography at Africas premier Festival of Pan African Countries (FESPACO); and a nomination for the Golden …
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