Villa Julie College Film Class 1056
Image by go mustangs
Feeling dizzy
On a rainy Thursday night in a small studio theater in the UNC campus, a dozen student performers are trying – for the fourth time tonight – to get the pretty dead woman to jump into San Francisco Bay.
Read more on The Chapel Hill News
Feast of fun in Gurney’s The Dining Room
Question: When is a table not a table? In the case of A.R. Gurney’s play The Dining Room, the answer is when the table — a fine antique dining room table — appears as an iconic representation of a very distinct culture, one grounded in upper middle-class New England values and social norms.
Read more on Gulf Islands Driftwood
‘Cats’ comes to town
There’s a funny scene in the old NBC comedy “Mad About You,” where the Buchmans share a cab with a gentleman going to see “Cats” for the first time. Both are shocked that the stranger, who lives in New York City, hadn’t seen the Andrew Lloyd Webber smash musical that had 7,485 performances in the Big Apple and has constantly toured the world since. By date (default) read more
Read more on The Sandusky Register