“They forced me to the pebble stone concrete plaza so hard that the left side of my face was lacerated and my left knee scratched. I was then lifted by my arms and forced to march towards the area where the men had originally been.” Read full article: www.selwynformayor.com Word of Mouth Wednesday 7-8pm on CKLN 88.1 FM radio interview with Selwyn Firth a candidate for Mayor of Toronto 2010 arrested during the weekend of the G20 chaos in the downtown core, treatment at the ‘temporary prison centre’ set-up at the Toronto Film Studios, and reaction to the summit protests weekend lockdown for the full interview with Selwyn Firth, mp3 archive: www.radio4all.net featuring other topics like the Non Science of Climate Change, garbage in Toronto, fluoridation of the water supply, local politics, and more… Word of Mouth Wednesday July 7th 2010 hosted by Daniel Libby Toronto Votes on Oct. 25th 2010 More info at SelwynForMayor.com
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