Question by karatepig: Getting into the airforce academy, starting as a freshman.?
Okay, I am currently a freshman, doing track, doing terrible academically,and feeling kinda hopeless. Now, let me explain. Shortly before starting highschol, I made up my mind. I want to be a fighter pilot, and come hell or high water I will be one. I started off the year with b’s, one c, and the rest A’s. I started cross country, and started to work hard. All my grades were rising steadily. I wanted straight A’s then my school closed. My new school has a terrible system,called independent study. I am having a hard time adjusting, and my grades have dropped to D’s an F’s.My dad is very involved, as he was a highschool dropout, and let’s just say I now have nothing to do but schoolwork.Still,it is hard, and before I buckle down and kiss all other aspects of my life goodbye for the next few years,I want to know what I need to do.Memorized what the academy’s website said, but now I read other things saying I need letters from congressman,volunteer work,etc.I just want to get this straight
Best answer:
Answer by HfromLongIsland
First and foremost, pull your grades up. Take the most challenging math and physics classes that your school has. There’s still hope, just do your work and everything will work out.
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