Question by Alrighty.: HELP!!! How can I be in an IndieFilm?
I am from ohio. I want to just audition for indie films. I don’t even care about being payed. I’m still in highschool so I don’t live on a campus where there are any filmmakers or castings or anything of that sort. But, my sister is in college and hangs out with mainly theater kids. So she could possibly help me out. But what else could help me get me cast for a low budget film? I think I’d be perfect for me.
Thank you thank you thank you for anyone who helps me??
Best answer:
Answer by lalley40
It is suuuper difficult to be cast in films if you aren’t living in NYC or L.A. And if not one of those, some sort of big city.
Now when you say ‘indie’ that means two things. There are multi-million dollar so-called indie pet project (yes even indies cost that much these days!) that already renowned/famed actors & directors work on. You most likely do NOT have a shot at this (just the god’s honest truth… if that’s what you want, move to NYC/LA and start taking classes, look for a manager, agent, etc)
The other sort of indie is more what you were referring to with your sister, hanging around with artist-theatre-would-be filmmaker types on college campuses. That could get you some experience if they were to put you in a project they were working on. And since you wouldnt be getting paid for these, the least they can do is give you a copy.
From these copies you can accumulate, you can begin to make what is called your ‘reel.’ You will need this when you do eventually move to a bigger market (NYC,LA,Toronto, Philly, Miami) and start looking for an agent/manager. They will want to see these, your resume, headshots etcs. It’s a lot of work & a lot of money, but thats the business. Start waiting tables or bartending, thats how most actor types survive before they (if they!) make it.
Be tenacious. Don’t give up. But also, do it for the right reasons. For the love of the work. The passion for art/entertainment/storytelling. If you are doing to for money, might as well just look to be a doctor on craigslist and marry some money!
Best of Luck – S 🙂
p.s. Oh, and speaking of craigslist, thats really become a great way for aspiring artists, filmmakers, etc to connect with talent for their projects, ie, musicians, actors, et al. Id try that. Where in Ohio do you live? The bigger the area the better. I’m sure C-Bus, Cleveland, Cincinnatti all most have their own craigslist pages. That would be another good jumping off point!
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