Question by any1_4wishing: How can I pursue a career as a TV screenwriter?
That’s all I want to know. Just some legitimate information about how to become a TV screenwriter.
Best answer:
Answer by meat
You need to write. Write every day. Get a few original screenplays under your belt and find an agent or a manager to represent you, and tell them that you’re looking specifically to work for TV. To find an agent, you can pick up a copy of the Hollywood Representation Directory.
You’ll also want to be prepared to write some samples of whatever TV show anyone who interviews you wants to see. Teleplays are 22 or 44 minutes long (depending on whether it’s a 1/2 hour or hour long show). I wouldn’t necessarily worry about writing any samples before hand, as you have no idea what they’re going to ask you to write and wasting your time writing something that won’t ever get seen is a bad thing.
As far as more specific detail goes … I only know a couple of TV writers, so my advice is limited to what I’ve asked them. I write movies, not TV.
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