The Ludwigsburger Film Academy is considered one of the best film schools in Germany. Officially known as the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy, the school’s educational approach is exemplary. Video available in German, English, Spanish, French, Russian and Chinese: © Goethe-Institut
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Harry Potter star Tom Felton presented two lucky FILMCLUB members with awards at the Young Film Critic of the Year ceremony at BAFTA in London. 16-year old Rosemary Collins from Cheltenham and 8-year old Phoebe Lawrance from Lincolnshire each received an award for the Best FILMCLUB Review in the Primary and Secondary school categories. Rosemary Collins from Pates Grammar School and Phoebe Lawrence from Fosse Way School had submitted their winning entries about smash-hit film Slumdog Millionaire and comedy Bedtime Stories respectively. Rosemary wrote the film is held together by Danny Boyles beautiful, technically brilliant and original cinematography and was praised by the judges for her detailed, descriptive review, while Phoebes infectious enthusiasm for Bedtime Stories shone through.
Video Rating: 4 / 5