Question by Natasha: Do most photography schools today concentrate on film or digital photography?
I’m considering attending a local photography academy after I finish high school, but I’m not sure if they focus on digital or film photography. Have most schools converted to digital only, or do you have to be familiar with both? I have absolutely no experience with film photography and don’t plan to get into it, because I know its a dead end road. Sure, its out there right now, but 10 years from now? Probably not. Anyways, what I’m getting at is do you think I would need to learn how to operate a film camera and be able to use a dark room? The name of the school doesn’t specify its focus, its just called the Academy of Photography.
Best answer:
Answer by Mark
Any reputable school should do both, but if you’re looking at one that is going to prepare you to actually be a working photographer then the later focus will of course be on digital.
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