Question by Riverside2c: How much money does a screenwriter make?
How much money does a screenwriter make?
Best answer:
Answer by Artman
Not a simple answer; the range of pay is very wide depending on many factors. But the Writers Union indicates the minimum a writer (that belongs to the Union) should get depending on the work. For detail you can go to the Union website.
The pay will depends on many factor like: Is the script a first draft?…a final draft? Was it ever used or not? Is it for a TV show, direct to Video, or for Movie Theater? Experience and resume of the script writer and so on are also taken intio account.
Most scripts writers get paid based on the Union standards but other well known writers can get paid big money if their past work have been given good critics and/or important awards like the Oscars or the Golden Globe Awards, for example.
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