Question by Josh: My parents don’t support my dream to be a filmmaker?
I’m 17 and for a few years now i have had the dream of becoming a filmmaker. Recently i have spent a over $ 3000 on camera and editing equipment to improve on that dream. I have a passion for filming and editing. The only problem is that my parents don’t see it that way. They want me to become an engineer because i’m good at math. the only problem is i don’t want to be an engineer and I HATE MATH!!! They think that i should put all my efforts into finding a “stable job” instead of following my passion. They think that a career in filmmaking is unstable and impractical and that i will never get a job in that feild. I’ve gotten really good at filming and editing and i think that i would excell in a career in filmaking because of my talent and work ethic. Could anyone give me any advice as to how to convince my parents that a career doing something i love would not be impractical and unstable.
thanks, Josh
Best answer:
Answer by Mama Bear
I would consider doing some research on some companies that hire people to do what you want to do. Get a list together and maybe check out some colleges that you could attend that specialize in this area. Maybe if they see that this is not just a pipe dream and that there really are jobs available for what you want to do, then they will reconsider.
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