by Matt Woolner
Question by 이주연님: Resume translation Help!?
I got this job offer really last minute in korea and I only had english resume.
I tried to translate it myself but my korean is pretty rusty and old…
And when it comes down to certain terms i just simply have no idea.
Please help me!
A creative individual with design and animation skills, hoping to contribute her abilities on either 2d or 3d artistic direction
(이부분은 제가
창의적인 애니메이션과 디자인 능력을 2D 또는 3D 프로덕션의 예술적 방향에 기여하고싶습니다.
이렇게 번역을 했는데 이상한 부분이나 어색한 부분 고쳐주세요)
Trained in traditional animation, character design, layouts, storyboarding, lifedrawing and painting. Proficient knowledge of Photoshop, After Effects and Premier Pro. Good communication skills, ability to work diligently and to produce quality work meeting the deadlines.
클래시컬 애니메이션과 캐릭터 디자인, 배경 디자인, 스토리보딩, 그리고 채색 등의 공부를 했으며 포토샵, 애프터 이펙스 그리고 프리미어 프로의 대한 숙달된 지식이 있습니다. 더불어 좋은 대화능력과, 부지런하여 맡겨진 일을 데드라인에 맞춰 높은 퀄리티로 끝마칩니다.
이렇게 번역했습니다. 뭣보다 전문용어가 어려워서;;; 혹시 애니메이션 쪽에 일하시는분이 계시면 가르쳐주세요..ㅠㅠ)
Graduate of Sheridan Institute, Bachelor of Applied Art: Animation (Apr 2009)
Led a group as the production manager for the group film project in 2008.
Nominated for Dreamworks scholarship in August 2007.
Cardinal Carter Academy of the Arts (2005)
( 이부분은 그런저럭 괜찮은것 같은데 혹시 전문용어 빠진것이 있으면 알려주세요
Sheridan institute, Bachelor of Applied Art: Animation 졸업 (2009년 4월)
그룹 필름 프로젝트의 프로덕션 매니저로 그룹을 이끔 (2008)
Dreamworks 장학금 후보로 추천됌(2007 8월)
Cardinal Carter Academy of the Arts 졸업 (2005) )
Employment History
Short Film. Squishy. 2009
Produced a short animated film, directing concept, art direction, technology direction, story development, design, layout, animation and post production.
Chuck Gammage Animation inc. 33 Fraser ave. Toronto, ON Canada
Film Assistant. Assited on short film project, animating, designing and clean up with traditional method. Worked closely under supervisor with specific tasks.
(이부분은 정말 좌절했네요;;;;;; 정말 전문용어 아시는분이 가르쳐주셨으면 좋겠는데…)
I tried to translate as much as I can but it looks really bad.
Please help me fixing it!
In reply to the last comment, problem is they asked for a korean version…I did bring the english one first thinkin that’s it’s better also.
oh and one more thing. FYI I’m Korean a fluent one too. I just have trouble writing it…let’s say classically?..
Best answer:
Answer by RE
Let’s say you fix it to the point where it looks like you are really fluent in Korean. They hire you, based on that assumption. When you get there, they find out it isn’t true. What will you do then?
Better just send the resume in English. I would be willing to bet that their English is better than your Korean, and that way you won’t be misrepresenting anything.
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