Question by Dru: Short Film?
Some friends and I are making a short film to enter in some online contests. It will be 15-20 mins in length.
We have one problem. We have decided to center the film around a single object.
An Emu Egg.
We have a love of the obscure…so we decided an Emu egg might make for an itneresting plot.
So far, we’ve decided that we want two groups feuding over the egg for a common purpose…but what purpose is that???
We’re mostly teenagers, so what is a legit reason that a group of teenagers owuld want an Emu egg?
Some friends and I are making a short film to enter in some online contests. It will be 15-20 mins in length.
We have one problem. We have decided to center the film around a single object.
An Emu Egg.
We have a love of the obscure…so we decided an Emu egg might make for an itneresting plot.
So far, we’ve decided that we want two groups feuding over the egg for a common purpose…but what purpose is that???
We’re mostly teenagers, so what is a legit reason that a group of teenagers would want an Emu egg?
Best answer:
Answer by tjmuvimakr
Yeah, Vito’s got a good plot going for you there. Or you could have the other group just going to break it for the sake of destroying it? The chase scene can come in when one of the group grabs the egg and takes off running with it. If you have a local zoo or even a pet store and have the means, go talk to them about a scene where they are going to help you save the egg. It will give your film more depth and a location change. Good luck to you. We need more short films and I think it’s great that groups of friends are making films. Long live the art!
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