Question by BWS: what are the best film schools in USA? is the SEATTLE FILM INSTITUTE a good place to go to film school?
hi everyone…
i have a cousin living in dubai…he ‘s gonna be seventeen next year and plans to go to the united states to attend film school…
now im talking about the kind of school that teaches you filmmaking / script-writing / acting and such stuff…
what are the reputed film schools in the US?
is seattle a good place to learn filmmaking?
please recommend a place where the cost of living is moderate and so are the film school fees…..
lastly, how is a typical teenager’s life in US/seattle? and howz family life? is the friend/dating scene good? is life in US/ seattle good in general? what are the dangers to look out for?
i mean he’s only gonna be there for two years maximum coz he’s gonna return to dubai after the film course……
if seattle isn’t such a good idea would you please recommend other good cities in the US that have a moderate cost of living?
thanks very much..i really appreciate your help…
Best answer:
Answer by essam e
Hey, He can attend american film school In Dubai. there is New york film academy just opened in dubai this year, this way he can get the same education while he is still home and save all cost of leaving and travling money.
here is the website for this school.
However, if u want him to come here, I would recomand LA film school in los angeles.
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