Question by Alex L: What’s the best kind of camera for a high school film maker?
I’m looking for some kind of camera to use in your basic low-budget, low exposure student films. While I have some basic knowledge of digital media, I really don’t know much about specific cameras. It doesn’t have to be fancy, a camcorder type will most likely suffice, but I want the quality to be at least a step above the standard “4th of July BBQ” family home movie.
I’ve had some experience with the Sony Handycam series, and that seems pretty cool for the money, but is there anything better? Is there a type that’s better than the Handycam in the same price range? Will I be able to record straight to the DVD/Memory Stick and be able to skip the Hi8 tapes? Any I can get for under 500 USD?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by Earl D
Hitachi makes a DVD unit for $ 400
Any Mini-DV will let you transfer to computer via FireWire from the tape.
Cheapest DVs I’ve seen are $ 280
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