Question by Ben: Whats the point of this new law by FCC?
“Professors, students and documentary filmmakers are now allowed, for “noncommercial” purposes, to break the copy protection measures on DVDs to be used in classroom or other not-for-profit environments. This…” I saw in the iPhone jailbreaking (and all cell phone unlocking) made legal
on the yahoo home page. Now I don’t get it, would it just be easier to bring the disc in or does it mean my teacher can give me a disc for a movie we need to watch for class?
Best answer:
Answer by Міша
FCC does not write laws, strictly speaking… They do get to choose, which laws they are going to enforce — and how…
Their point this time is, I believe, to allow people more freedom in how they use the stuff they purchased — without allowing outright pirates to eat away the content-creator’s honest profits.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!