Small Town Fiasco Topman SKA by Small Town Fiasco Film and Editors: Nic Powell Michael Gulliver Mem Youssouf Emma Hentall Small Town Fiasco – TOPMAN – SKA – nicP2222 ’09 SMALL TOWN FIASCO IS A FABULOUS SIX PIECE SKA PUNK BAND Skanking from Hertfordshire! Hertfordshire, London and South East United Kingdom Go and check them out on myspace at: SKA started in Jamaica in the late 1950s – Jamaica’s first very own style of music! The Jamaicans were known as ‘RUDE BOYS’…. The second wave of SKA – 2TONE was in the UK in the 60’s with groups such as MADNESS and THE SPECIALS…Unity was the message with back and white musicians.. Shaved heads and big boots – with suits to mock the upper classes – they were working class boys. SKANKING was their dancing! The third wave of SKA was in the USA with groups such as the SKATELITES and FISHBONE & THE SPECIALS… SkaFunkRastaPunk..REEL BIG FISH..The SKELETONES………MellowDee This film was created by a group of students from the Welwyn Garden City Media & Film Production Class. Filming was filmed on location in Hertford at a gig in early January ’09 Production Team: Nick Powell – nicP2222 Michael Gulliver – Gullythegamer Mehmet Youssouf – Mysqueek Emma Hentall Small Town Fiasco Are THE TOP 6-Piece Ska/Punk Band From Hertfordshire, Near London. They Have Been Together And Gigging Constantly For Around 2 Years Now. Originally A 4-Piece, They Have Gone Through Many changes! FIND SMALL TOWN FIASCO on MYSPACE: www.myspace.com •Dan Munday …