The Sun King’s long goodbye
For all his flaws, Rupert Murdoch is the last great press baron, with an irrational attachment to print. But could the phone-hacking scandal, heavy losses and uncertainty over his successor force him to sell his beloved British newspapers to save the empire?
Read more on The New Statesman
La MaMa’s loss (of Ellen Stewart) is ours, too
I started out the new year with a veritable junket of show going, most of which pleased my cantankerous taste buds. The sole exception was “Gob Squad’s Kitchen” — an empty interaction between a handful of hipster improv comedians and the static mid-60s films by Andy Warhol’s Factory.
Read more on Gay City News
Los Angeles Production Listings
The following listings are not casting notices but instead reflect the best general information available about current casting assignments. Do your homework and use them wisely. Do not phone or visit casting directors’ offices.