In this gripping summer thriller from Lefty Hazmat Video and produced by From the Nut Patch, Darryl Gildingwater and Wilson MacGruber venture into the urban legend-enshrouded woods around the haunted Frost Lake. Though they had heard the stores, they never really believed them—until they realized that not everything was as it seemed at Frost Lake. Featuring an enchanting score by veteran composer Noah Leininger, the atmosphere and gritty realism of They Weren’t Alone will suck you in so effectively, you may walk away feeling just like the hunter who lost his keys. Technicolor is home to industry-leading creative and technology professionals committed to the creation, management and delivery of entertainment content to consumers around the world. Propelled by a culture of innovation and underpinned by a dedicated research organization, the company’s thriving licensing business possesses an extensive intellectual property portfolio focused on imaging and sound technologies. Serving motion picture, television, and other media clients, the company is a leading provider of high-end visual effects, animation, and post-production services. In support of network service providers and broadcasters globally, Technicolor ranks among the world leading suppliers of digital content delivery services and home access devices, including set-top-boxes and gateways. The company also remains a large physical media service provider, being one of the world’s largest film processors and independent manufacturers and distributors of DVDs and Blu-ray discs.