Question by Whitey Ford: Where can I find free music for a student film?
I am working on a video project for my Field Production class and I was looking for free music (unsigned, Indie Bands etc) trying to get there music out there. I know these sites exist but I don’t know them. We can use copyrighted music to show it in class, but if we take them out of class we need permission for the music. I would like to be able to show it on youtube, facebook, etc without worrying about any legal repercussions. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Ms.Firefly
I have quite a few videos on youtube where I didn’t ask permission for the music and I havn’t gotten in trouble. I’v seen a lot of videos on youtube like that too. If you were getting paid for your video then yes you could get in trouble. I think one way is if you go on myspace and find an artist with a song that you like that would fit your video you could send them a message asking if you can use their song for a video project, depending on the band they might say yes. Also try doing a search for ‘royalty free’ music.
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