Question by Jeffrey: Why does my school require students to take a film photography course as a prerequisite to all others?
I don’t deny that people still shoot in film, and I know that the controls are nearly identical from film to digital on newer SLRs, but why do they make us take a film class before we can move onto digital? The majority of my classmates will, I assume, be working in digital after this class.
I’ve been told that this isn’t unusual, that many programs require film and darkroom experience before moving to digital. Still – what’s the benefit?!
Best answer:
Answer by sara e
Because flim photography is the original, before you can appreciate the effets of the digital camera you have to know where that effect came from, film photography. Withouot film photography we wouldn’t have digital. You have to take that class not only to learn the controls, as you say, but to appreciate where modern photography came from. Learn the history. That will make you a better photographer and help you to appreciate your medium. Plus you may like it better! I always have, but I like old school stuff rather than new technology!! Best of luck in that class, just go with it you’ll have tons of fun!!
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