Zuckerberg’s 0M to Newark schools may be preemptive attempt to save reputation
AP Photo/Paul SakumaFacebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is donating $ 100 million to Newark public schools. How much is your good name worth to you? How about $ 100 million? The news on Wednesday that Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg was going to…
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Participant Media’s Social Action Site for WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN” Provides Resources and Tools for Moviegoers to Take …
LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Timed to the release of the highly-acclaimed documentary WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN,” Participant Media’s online hub of the official Social Action campaign – waitingforsuperman.com/action – offers the resources and tools moviegoers need to become involved in the issue of improving public education in the U.S. The film, a Paramount Vantage and Participant Media …
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3M’s innovation revival
3M is everywhere. That’s the point George Buckley, the chairman and CEO of 3M, is trying to make as he talks about his favorite subject, inventing things. Last year, he says, “even in the worst economic times in memory, we released over 1,000 new products.”
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