Andrew Fiore is an independent filmmaker whose been producing documentary films since 1989. With his Vancouver Foundation Small Arts Grant, Andrew created Clean, a documentary that follows two recovering addicts over a five-month period. His goal is to show people the true realities of beating an addiction. Video Rating: 0 / 5 Funders and filmmakers talk about the age-old question of how to raise money to make and … [Read more...]
Movie Musings: ‘The Fighter’ Trailer, Joaquin’s Pointless Joke and 2010’s Overlooked Gems
at filmmaking class Image by copycatko Movie Musings: 'The Fighter' Trailer, Joaquin's Pointless Joke and 2010's Overlooked Gems Another great trailer liveblog! This time, its Marky Mark's new flick. Read more on REGION: Murrieta filmmaker to debut 'dramedy' Residents might recognize a lot of the scenes in "Sunshine Deprivation Blues," a 20-minute short film set to debut at the Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival … [Read more...]
Indian documentary filmmaker detained in Vancouver: Report
Indian documentary filmmaker detained in Vancouver: Report Indian documentary filmmaker Vijay Kumar, who left the U.S. after weeks of detention, was detained and questioned in Canada, his friend said today, but Indian authorities were not yet aware of the development. Read more on Vancouver Province Indian filmmaker fears US-like ordeal in Canada Agencies Toronto, Sept 17: Indian documentary filmmaker Vijay Kumar, who is being quizzed by the … [Read more...]
Lastest Best Film Schools News
Film explores troubled U.S. schools The urban schoolyards of Washington, D.C., the Bronx, Harlem and South Central Los Angeles might seem like a world apart from Half Moon Bay, but they shouldn’t feel any different to schoolchildren. All these cities are supposed to provide American children similar education and equal opportunity in life. Read more on Half Moon Bay Review D.C. Schools Insider: Election result 'devastating,' Rhee says Schools … [Read more...]
Filmmakers Seize Control – Vancouver Panel – Lance & Arin
The Vancouver international film festival invited Lance Weiler and I to come out and be a part of their Forum sessions. This one was called Filmmakers Seize Control. LINKS: http http http … [Read more...]
Website by Twitter now allows more images
Website by Twitter now allows more images The Twitter website has been upgraded to take more photos and videos. Read more on Calcutta News Indian filmmaker Vijay Kumar released on bail in US New York, Sep 15 : Indian filmmaker Vijay Kumar, arrested in the US for allegedly carrying jehadi literature and brass knuckles at the Houston airport in Texas, has been released on a 5,000 bond dollars and been asked not to leave the city till Friday. Read … [Read more...]
Can a minor (say 17) enter a legal contract with a business investor?
Question by demravager: Can a minor (say 17) enter a legal contract with a business investor? Say a 17 year old filmmaker is offered money from an investor to finance a film. Would the minor be able to take the money and sign the necessary paperwork and have that hold up in court? If you have some background in law, that would be helpful, please confirm your sources. I don't want guesses and assumptions, but facts. Best answer: Answer by Marcia … [Read more...]
What is a good digital filmmaking college in the Washington, DC area?
Question by Murph: What is a good digital filmmaking college in the Washington, DC area? What is a good digital filmmaking college in the Washington, DC area? Best answer: Answer by Danny MCDIA Boston University has a campus in DC, I've heard they have a very good program. Give your answer to this question below! … [Read more...]
Film Festivals Can Be Very Kind To Independent Filmmakers
by th.omas Film Festivals Can Be Very Kind To Independent Filmmakers If you are one of those people who went to film school and still cannot understand why they did not teach you how to get a job in the film industry, then I suggest that you stop complaining, gather up all the creative, hard working film production people you know, make yourself an independent film and enter it in some film festivals. If you win an award at a … [Read more...]
Ideas for Making Short Films
by vancouverfilmschool Ideas for Making Short Films Ideas for making short films may come from everyday life, personal experiences or fantasies you have had. To get started just write down your creative ideas. This could be just a paragraph to a full script. Some points to consider for short films are: Having a concrete plot: Put yourself in the audiences shoes and ask yourself, do you connect with the plot? If the answer is no, … [Read more...]